<- Back to main page03/05/2024

Polynomials as weights and activations for MLP's

I recently read the Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks paper and I'm fascinated by the idea of moving from fixed activations on the nodes of a MLP to learned ones at the edges. Combined with some other thoughts, I applied this idea to image classification and in this process came up with the idea of polynomial MLP’s.

The general goal is to leverage computation to simplify the network architecture(The Bitter Lesson). By being able to learn the activation for all the inputs and outputs of a neuron, the network has the flexibility to learn an optimal and different activation for each neuron.

Function approximation

To model these activation functions, we have a few options:

  • Linear: Used by conventional MLP's, they have a constant weight factor for each edge. To approximate more complicated functions multiple layers are stacked. Advantages: easily trainable, minimum amount of parameters(1 per edge). Disadvantages: can only model linear relationships, needs an activation function after the layer.
  • Splines: Used in Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks. Advantages: Accurate mathematical approximations, easy to adjust locally. Disadvantages: piecewise construction, slow to train.
  • Polynomials: Any continuous function can be approximated by creating a Taylor series. For a rough approximation a polynomial of a relatively small degree is good enough. Advantages: Fast, continuous, easy to compute, easy to differentiate. Disadvantages: only accurate around x=0, high degree powers lead to big terms.

Every approach has their own advantages and disadvantages, but I think polynomials are a good tradeoff between linear and splines, in terms of mathematical approximation capabilities and speed.

Building a polynomial layer

Source code at github.com/martinloretzzz/polynomial-mlp (Open in Colab)

A polynomial layer is similar to a dense linear layer, but it uses polynomial functions instead of constant weights. The polynomial layer has 3 things to configure: in_features, out_features and polynomial_degree, where the first two are the same as in a linear layer. The polynomial degree configures how many powers of the input are used, where a higher degree would (in theory) allow for a better approximation, while with the lowest degree of 1 this layer behaves like a linear layer (with an additional bias per edge).

The output of a single neuron is the sum of all the polynomial functions over all the inputs (because it's a fully connected layer), where a polynomial function is the sum over its polynomial terms from c0 * x^0 to cn * x^n.

In the first step we calculate all the powers of the input up to the polynomial degree (let’s call this input_powers) and add a column with ones for a constant offset term (bias).
As an example with a degree of 3, the tensor tensor([[2, 4]]) will become tensor([[[ 1, 2, 4, 8], [ 1, 4, 16, 64]]]).

To calculate the output of the layer efficiently, we matmul the input_powers with the transposed weights (with the last 2 dimensions of both tensors merged into one).
out = input_powers.matmul(weights.t())

There aren’t any activation functions needed after the layer, because the polynomials already provide the nonlinear activations for the layer.

Training MNIST

With this Polynomial Layer, training MNIST is relatively easy, we build our model by stacking multiple polynomial layers on top of each other.

layers = nn.Sequential(
    PolynomialLayer(28*28, 20, polynomial_degree=3),
    PolynomialLayer(20, 10, polynomial_degree=3)

After training we can compare this polynomial MLP to the conventional linear MLP (values are averaged over 4 runs).
Architecture: 784 in, 20 hidden, layernorm, 10 out, polynomial layers have a degree of 3

These are the results:

modeldatasetval accuracyval lossparameter count
Linear MLPMNIST95.27%0.186315950
Polynomial MLPMNIST95.61%0.162863560
Linear MLPFashionMNIST85.37%0.425315950
Polynomial MLPFashionMNIST85.21%0.429463560

TLDR, results & conclusion:

  • Polynomial MLP's provide the same accuracy on MNIST image classification.
  • Polynomials can provide the nonlinearities for a neural network and learn the specific activation functions for each individual input. These perform as well as linear layers with relu.
  • Big models and high degree polynomials make the training unstable. That’s caused by the powers of the input becoming big, so small changes of the coefficients of these higher degree polynomial terms (during training) result in big changes of the output.
  • Linear MLP's are Polynomial MLP's with a degree of 1 (- a bias per edge).
  • Better results over linear MLP’s might be achieved for data fitting, but I haven’t played around with that too much.

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Note: I'm an engineer and not a scientist. If there’s errors or improper use of mathematical terms let me know in the comments.

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