Martin Loretz

Martin Loretz

Hey, I'm just a human trying to figure out how this universe works. I love engineering and building stuff, like a computer out of logic gates, a screaming plant or a motorized bobbycar. I'm interested in physics, rockets, artificial intelligence and molecular biology.



Random thoughts:

Stuff worth checking out:

The singularity is nearer - George Hotz
The Cook and the Chef: Musk's Secret Sauce - Tim Urban/Wait But Why
The Bitter Lesson - Rich Sutton
How to Get Rich - Naval
Life 3.0 - Max Tegmark
Micrograd - Andrej Karpathy
Hacker's Manifesto - The Mentor
Moore's Law, Microprocessors, and First Principles - Jim Keller/Lex Fridman Podcast#70
Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Net - George Hotz/Lex Fridman Podcast#132
Mr. Robot


Machine learning from the ground up
Machine learning from the ground up
@ Håck ma's Castle 2024

Cool stuff I've built:

A huge swing that generates music and light effects, depending on how crazy you swing.
Three Body Problem
Three Body Problem
A simulation of the three body problem to explore how different initial conditions and why it's differential equation is unsolveable.
Project 8Bit
Project 8Bit
A turing complete, programmable 8 bit computer built from logic chips.
Electric bobbycar
Electric bobbycar
An electrically motorized bobbycar that drives 25km/h.
An hoodie with 2 led strips built in that syscronized to the music.
Pac Man
Pac Man
A 2.5m big, illuminated pac man.
Homemade commabody
Homemade commabody
A self balancing robot based on commaai openpilot.
Screaming plant
Screaming plant
A plant that screams when it needs to be watered.
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